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May 2023 Newsletter

Upcoming changes to our use of Bing

Transition to our in-house Elasticsearch index

If your site uses Bing web results, please note we will be accelerating our efforts to move search experiences to our in-house Elasticsearch index in the coming months. We’ll reach out to you directly if we need more information, or if we need you to do anything.

Our in-house index offers many benefits, including:

  • Controls costs and maintains predictability in our budgeting process; allowing us to remain available at no cost to agencies
  • Allows more and better quality control over search results
  • Allows better maintenance of the index

We will share more specifics regarding this transition in our June newsletter.

Admin center feature name update

“Facets” is now “Search tabs”

Last December we announced that as part of building our true faceted search capability, we would rename the feature that had been called “Facets.” This feature manages the horizontal search options that allow people to change where or what they are searching. For instance, searchers start on the main search results, and can select “Images,” “Videos,” a Collection, or an RSS feed.

We proposed the new name “Search tabs” and requested your feedback on this new label.

We have now officially renamed “Facets” to “Search tabs.” You can manage your Search Tabs in the Display Overview section of the Admin Center.

Thank you for your feedback! You will be able to manage the true faceted search capability in the Admin Center in future months.

System maintenance

Keeping you informed

As part of our feature builds and regular system maintenance, we release code updates to production a couple of times each week. With each of these releases, we plan carefully to avoid system downtime, and we have announced work ahead of time if any Admin Center downtime is required. Going forward, we’ll update our System status page and post a note in the Admin Center before any release is deployed, including ones we expect to be invisible to you and your searchers. Likewise, we’ll post a note if we have any longer maintenance projects, even if we don’t anticipate any disruptions. We thank you in advance for your patience!

Release Notes

Want to learn about the latest features, fixes, and focuses of the Search team? We post monthly Release Notes on our website.

Read the latest notes

May 30, 2023