August 2023 Newsletter
In case you missed it
NASA launches beta site with API-driven faceted search
The team is very excited to remind everyone that the long-awaited faceted search feature is now available for our customers using our results API, and in the coming months, it will be available for customers using our hosted search results page.
Likewise, we’d like to share that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), one of our long-time customers, has integrated our faceted search feature into their new website, currently in beta. The NASA web team worked closely with us to implement this search experience, with discussions ranging from CMS SEO features, to technical SEO, to metadata strategy and governance. We look forward to working with NASA to refine their search journey as they roll out new features and perform additional usability testing over the coming weeks and months. Special thank you to the NASA web team for their partnership through this successful implementation.
You can learn more about the development of at the NASA press release and give their faceted search a try at the beta site.
UX panel discussion: seeking participants
Turning search data into real world changes
Does your team analyze search data from or other commercial search tool?
Has your team applied such data to implement real changes on your site?
Are you willing to share your process and lessons learned?
We are partnering with the UX Community of Practice on a webinar panel discussion about turning search data into real world content improvements. This event will be hosted by the UX Community of Practice leads, David Kaufmann and Katie Chan; and moderated by Dawn McCleskey, program manager.
We are currently looking for panel participants or just example experiences that we could share as part of this discussion. The webinar is expected to take place in November, exact date soon to be determined.
You can join the panel as a speaker or we can gladly present your story. If you are interested, please contact us at Thank you in advance for your time and enthusiasm for knowledge sharing!
Contacts confirmation
Review/Update Your List of Users
We are conducting a review of our search sites’ authorized users, to be completed by the end of September. Similar to a user recertification process, we ask you to please confirm that the users’ names and email addresses listed on your search site(s) are correct, and if this is not the case, to make any necessary updates.
Like last year, this confirmation process is managed using a Touchpoints form. New this year, the form asks you to indicate for each user listed on your search site whether they are federal employees or contractors.
So far, we have received 62 completed forms so we still have many customers pending to respond. Thank you to those who have already responded, and to those who haven’t had a chance yet, we ask to please take a few minutes to fill out this form by September 30.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us with this request!
Review and confirm your user list
Release Notes
Want to learn about the latest features, fixes, and focuses of the Search team? We post monthly Release Notes on our website.